On Your Toes Pointe Shoe Fittings
A Student’s Introduction to entry level pointe
Every young ballerina’s dream is: “when can I stand on my toes?” All teachers take great pride in caring for and developing their young ballerinas. Taking them through the training period to build knowledge and strength is essential to the process of going “en pointe.”
Expert Corrective Fitting
Knowing how a pointe shoe should feel, what a pointe shoe is made of, and what shoe will be the best fit for the individual dancer are great concerns. Having an expert corrective fitter, like those at On Your Toes, is your best choice for finding your new pair of pointe shoes.
Pointe Shoe Educational Sessions
We at On Your Toes provide a unique educational session for every new ballerina. The session gives the young dancer, along with her family and teacher, detailed information about pointe shoes. Information provided in a session includes manufacturing technologies, descriptions of the design and components of pointe shoes, and the latest medical information to prevent injury. And, of course, we fit the proper shoe for the individual dancer according to her strengths, level of training, and foot screenings. Laynie also works closely with Maribeth Crupi Physical Therapy LLC in Wilmington who specializes in treatment programs for dancers and participants in the dance life.
Keeping Up With Innovation
Because information is constantly being developed and discovered, not every dancer is aware of all of the changes. Laynie Terban, President of On Your Toes Dancewear, educated herself to become the “Pointe Professor and Corrective Fitter.” You can rely on her to pass on the knowledge she has acquired. Additionally, she continues to expand her knowledge with all her manufacturers through seminars about innovations in the creation, research and testing of products.

Pointe & Corrective Fitter
Each new pair of dance shoes, especially pointe shoes, should always be fitted by an experienced dance shoe specialist. The correct shoe choice is vital to the health of a dancer’s foot. In order for a shoe to fulfill its function, it must fit properly. An ill-fitting shoe can contribute to the misuse or injury of a dancer’s muscles and tendons. As a dancer becomes stronger and more knowledgeable in her technique, her feet can change. For this reason, the fitting process remains necessary with each new pair of shoes. On Your Toes is involved with the International Association of Dance Medicine and Science, Which helps contribute to expert knowledge and allows available information to get the best shoe and fit for every individual dancers needs.
Addicted to this thing called DANCE!
We hope you choose On Your Toes dancewear for your pointe shoe purchases. After the pointe fitting session you will be very confident in your first and future purchases made at On Your Toes. The staff takes great pride in fitting you, our valued Dance customer. If you have any thoughts or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Book Your Fittings
The process of choosing the correct pointe shoe can be a lengthy one; there are no defined rules when it comes to finding the most suitable pointe shoe. As a beginner it can be challenging and confusing to understand what is the best shoe choice. It can be a trial and error process to determine what shoe is best for each individual dancer.
The pointe fitting session usually takes approximately 40 minutes. Dancers are encouraged to make an appointment ahead of time to ensure that your fitting can be as exciting and uninterrupted as possible. Most of the time an appointment can be made that works with everyone’s busy schedules.
The On Your Toes shoe fitters serve as informative dance role models and develop, through a shared love for dance, a bond of trust while fitting you. The session is free. We are retailers but also educators; We love to pass on both new and traditional information in dance.
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